Hungarian address card: When can you get it?

We gathered those immigration documents which are generally issued together with a Hungarian address card.

In some cases, the Hungarian address card could be very useful. A third-country national who has an average Hungarian residence permit owns a so-called accommodation reporting form. It is a white piece of paper that contains information regarding the third-country national’s Hungarian address. Nonetheless, in some situations, the officer who sits at the opposite end of the table might ask for your Hungarian address card. Unfortunately, there are situations where you cannot step forward without the address card. But how can you get it? In the following section we gathered those residence permit types which are generally issued together with a Hungarian address card:

If you are an EEA citizen or a family member of an EEA citizen:

Registration Certificate for an EEA national

Residence Card for a third-country national family member of EEA national

Permanent Residence Card for an EEA national or his/her family member

If you are a third-country national and you do not have an EEA citizen family member:

EC Permanent Residence Permit

National Permanent Residence Permit

Interime Permanent Residence Permit

If you need further information, check our website or get in touch with us via our social media channels.

Mar 23 2021