US-Mexico border: increasing migratory pressure expected

Coronavirus lock downs in Latin-America temporarily ease the migration pressure at US-Mexico border. The post-pandemic migration is a challenging issue, and it is in the focus of the US election.
As a result of the coronavirus lockdowns, the CentralAmerican migration routes are less popular than before the pandemic. Nonetheless, immigration experts expect that the trend will change once the restrictions will be eased. CNN reported that the US immigration administration expects a huge migration wave after the pandemic. The coronavirus made a huge impact on the economy of Latin America, therefore poverty is increasing all over the region. The IMF’s (International Monetary Fund) last forecast expected a more than 9% recession in almost every country.
Thanks to the economic crisis masses will join up migrant caravans in Central America and trying to cross the border of the United States. The migration crisis, besides the coronavirus pandemic, is the focus of the US presidential election campaign. The fundamental principles of PresidentTrump’s migration policy are well known. The rules and regulations became stricter and the government fees are much higher. If you would like to know what can we expect from a potential Bide administration concerning the immigration policy check the link below.
Oct 28 2020